“It’s been nearly three years since I went through the Encounter Training, and I continue to be randomly and pleasantly surprised by just how much it’s impacted my life and changed me for the better – and continues to! In short, it’s given me ‘life tools’ to know how to love others better. I’m a kinder, more loving, more others focused person. I’m more present for others, including my wife and children, who’ve noticed the positive change in me and how I relate to them.

Others have noticed, too. Just a week ago, my boss was praying with me and out of the blue said, “…and Lord I thank you for the work you’ve done and the difference I’ve seen in Ryan since going through the Encounter Training.” Then there’s the co-worker who, in the middle of a conversation we were having recently with another person, said, “You’ve been so nice since going through the Encounter Training!”, to which the other co-worker replied, “it’s true, I’ve noticed that, too.” And the long-time friend who on numerous occasions has talked to others about me (with me present) mentioning the Encounter experience and the incredible change he’s seen it make in my life.

Similar words of affirmation have randomly occurred from others over the years who are aware I went through the Encounter Training, and each time it’s a wonderful reminder to me that the Encounter is an experience that simply can’t help but change you, because it’s experiential, which impacts you at the level of your Being. It’s not ‘learning knowledge’, it’s not something you have to memorize, it’s not note-taking, sitting through a seminar, or trying to recall overwhelming amounts of information days, weeks, or years later.

The wonderful thing is, because you literally experience the Encounter, it simply can’t help but cause the kind of profound impact in your life that moves you closer to the person you want to be.”